Energy Roller Coaster




From benchmark one constructing a loop, i learned how to make an energy bar chart on a roller coaster. For benchmark two Determining dissipated energy on track I learned what dissipated energy is and how to know when there is dissipated energy. Another benchmark that I did was to construct a roller coaster. I learned how to make a roller coaster that had a high starting point so that it would make it over the loop and the hill.

I learned that building a roller coaster takes a lot of math for it to actually work. We had to change the starting height of the roller coaster so that the marble would make it over the loop and the hill. Our process was very successful.

Our heights work very well because the starting height is more than 2 times the height of the loop and the hill. The calculations that are below is what a had to do to find out what the maximum height could be for the marble to still make it over the loop. I took the starting height and then multiplied it by the percent loss. then I took my answer and subtracter the starting height from that. My answer was .2646 and since my loop height was below that I knew it would work.IMG_6364.JPG









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