Collision Model – Deliver

The code that determines the velocity of the object after the collision is (m1*v1 + m2*v2 – m1*newV1)/m2;

The equation that I used finds the momentum by using newV2 = (m1*v1 + m2*v2 – m1*newV1)/m2 and it shows how to get the momentum for both ellipses before and after. My project meets all of the constraints given to me very well. I was asked to make one bigger dot and one smaller dot and I did that. I was asked to make them to collide and I did that. My code does match my story board very well.  It shows one bigger and one smaller object colliding and bouncing back.

My process for revising my collision model was not to hard. I looked at the requierments and back at my code and if something was missing or wrong I fixed it. One example is when I made both the dos the same size, then I had to fix one of the dots to make it bigger. Another thing that I did to improve my code was change the newv2 equation. It was hard for me to find that equation so I had to try many times to find the right one. The project of making my project was vary stressful at first but after a while I got the hang of it. Next time I do something like this I will try to put a backround on the code. Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 3.53.54 PM.png The story board is a woman and man sliding a cup down the table. At the middle of the table they collide and bounce back. The smaller one bounces back faster. The bigger cup bounces back slower.

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